we wake up at steph's place having spent the night drinkin, smoking, stuffing our faces with domino's and laughing at Little Britain. definitely not what i had in mind for the holiday, but par for the course taking into account the past three weeks' surprises. when i wake up, i need to kick ella (steph's dog) off me. this is my antagonistic relationship with australia (and, i suppose, any other nominally-white country). everywhere here, it's
let's go drinking! or ham and cheese sandwiches or
come make love to my fugly dog! (no! no! a thousand times no...). but then here are people watching Little Britain and for once, people get the joke when i say
computer says no...we go shopping at the suburban mall on a record 43 degree day.the metal of the car burns our skin and everyone seeks refuge at the aircon oasis. service in australia has been remarkable. you know it when the punky store assistant is all flighty and happy. it reminds me a bit of CCSG. except they prolly do not bitch around as much as us. aussie behaviour at department stores, however, is appalling. they mess up the displays and leave things anywhere they wish. if i worked at Target (say tar-jeh for more class) i'd bring a gun to work every day.
i do miss the guys at CCSG, especially surya and rizal. but im thinking of staying for another month. after all, my visa lasts that long. and my railway pass twice as long (hmm..). everyone i meet here stays for six months or a year. two months is nothing. australia is a huge country. please do not try to see it all at once unless you have a few years. it's a continent after all, and as large as the USA.
we go to semaphore beach - it's a terrible beach. there are aborigines jetty-jumping and people swimming in the deep waters (shark-infested, too). if my friends are to be believed, aborigines do not follow laws and are ugly and stupid. from the little i've seen, there are loads of dark and scary-looking ones, always dressed in rags. i'll need to see and hear more before i comment more.

i cook dinner, pasta with crushed chilli, extra virgin olive oil, sliced carrots, lemon juice and salt to taste.
we all dress up in white tank tops and ties to go out at night. i've never been part of a group that wears the same thing for a night out.maybe we've had a theme or a dress code, but this was white tank tops and ties unanimously. i'd never wear anything like that given a choice, plus it was real faggy so i was pretty out of it.
first we went to tap inn to celebrate the birthday of a sporean girl jen. apparently she's a druggie. it's sad and stupid that singaporeans with a little money and no brains flock to australia to
study about drugs, sex, accents, shopping. but no surprise, considering how paltry the selection is in singapore. sometimes im afraid to be mistaken for a sporean student. maybe i am not so different. there are a few white blokes in a punch-up, girls crying, men fucking and police coming. all ingredients for a good porno, if in a different order.
we go to mars bar where there're loads of lesbians and a huge scene. alll the hottest girls are lesbians and the cutest boys are straight. there's a guy josh, cute as a button, great to dance with, but he's making out with another guy outside the toilets. i was pretty hung up and bummed out so i went home alone - but not before an asian lesbian catfight, a polar opposite of the first fight of the night. the lesbians didnt go home that night. she either got laid, arrested, or killed. maybe all three.
Labels: australia, ccsg, cooking, travel