So yesterday was full of firsts. Today was no exception. I was out cold first last night and this morning I woke up squashed between Olle and Adam with a huge frickin' echidna in my head. A nice long shower settles that and then I go for a run to burn away yesterday's excesses. There's a garage sale going on, the ones that you see on TV and I buy a tent for only 20AUD. It'll come in handy when we go for the hippie festival over NYE because thats in the middle of the Victorian forest. Next stop, tarts. tarts is an amazing cafe up Lake Street in Northbridge, Perth. It opens at 0700 daily and sells a tantalising smorgasbord of breakfast items. There's a great atmosphere - dogs tied to the lamp posts look pitifully at the al fresco diners, inside you can choose to curl up in a cosy corner or join the party at the big central table. Service staff are warm and know their work - they man all positions and that means they prepare your food/ drinks and they serve it to you and then see you at the "till" (Singaporeanese: cashier) when you're leaving.
Turns out that I have to eat the breakfast alone at home because Olle and Adam dont wake up until it's 2 in the afternoon. We make plans to go to the beach and Adam's in charge of the day's activities. Turns out that we're not just going to any beach. We're going to Swanbourne Beach (Nude Section). On first arrival at the beach, everyone looks pretty young and I'm a little encouraged. But the closer we get to the non-clothed section, the average age gets a little higher, and higher, and higher until receded hairlines and acceded waistlines are in Full view. Most of the patrons here are old fat men! We make the most of it and position ourselves as much as possible to the Rest of the Civilised World. I go for a pee at the sand dunes behind the beach as there arent any toilets around and the water didnt look very inviting. As I'm happily minding my small business, (bald) heads start popping out from the bushes and in a grip of regret I realise I'm holding my genitals in a cruising area.
I fly back to report my findings to the two who immediately set off to explore it. While they're off, a young slender woman is walking towards the Huns. I watch as she strips slowly (like in the peepshow) and spreads sunscreen all over her fair skin. I try to take a few pictures discreetly. Later, we also spot a young man, good features, coming towards us in a sarong. He's wearing shades as I am but a baby rat could tell we were checking each other out. So anyway he strips and goes for a swim in the icy Indian Ocean. He emerges and we expect to see Little Sally Anne but he's huge, so we decide he was masturbating in the Indian Ocean. He dresses and goes into the sand dunes (crisis!) so Olle urges me to go and rescue him from the perils of old fat bald men. But there I am on the beach, reading my huge book about the Titanic with Max Kingsley Jr. singing the tunes, so 'twas about five minutes before I pluck myself up. Besides, I swore he glanced over to us before he went. But for 10 minutes I'm a bit lost and afraid in the Desert until I see him. It is nice to see a friendly face so I speak to him. We chat as we walk back towards the beach and he gives me his number. Tuesday, Tuesday we shall meet again.

I hide behind my ball to snap the Naked Lady.

Naked Lady and Beached Whale
191206: I remember the wrong number so I cant contact him. The whole morning is spent using what little knowledge I have of probability and Perm and Comb to figure the right number. Finally I mix two numbers around and I'm speaking to Josh.

Dinner every night is an event.
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