Sweet Transvestites!
Thursday, Adam and I rut around at home for most part of the morning and then we drive out to get a job for him. As expected, we got hopelessly lost, leaving my armpits sweaty as I drove through freeways north and south and construction sites with every legitimacy of a chipmunk. Finally finding our way home, we stop at a Viet-run provision shop. Dont be fooled by its scale, it's actually host to, oh, all of East Asia's culinary needs. Adam gets kentang kalipap and green tea and I get some lontong to go (no, actually I got some Chicken in a Biskit). Back home we pack a picnic basket for the Moonlight Cinema later that night, with full wicker do, towel lining, wine, glasses, grapes and Tim Tams too. Adam says its ridiculous but I say it's only because he doesnt watch enough Touched By An Angel.

Crazy day along the Swan River. The swans try to get into the middle of everything but we fend them off. I almost manage to persuade Olle and Adam to pose like they're making love on the beach but they're old fogeys really.
Afternoon gets a lot more exciting when we go to the Swan River parks for Olle's company function. We're all playing frisbee golf for starters, just a little warm up for the ultimate frisbee later on. I learn to sail a catamaran from Gordon and Carly, friends of Olle. The Swan River has nice robust winds and we skim the surface as we talk about all the watersports Perth is great for. There's a free barbie going on. with sausage sizzle and the all important onions. I have three of these as I talk to Mrs Goldstein, the wife of the big boss, who's the watermelon cutter. It's nice to know that Sheffield University has such a faithful following among the old Aussie and Pommie set. Makes me think that maybe I'll click with the parents of my schoolmates next year.

Nice and comfy on bean bags and under blankets. The gang behind are real fans.
At sunset, we go to King's Park for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's a great film and I have no honest idea why I've never seen it before. The crowd is great, we all sing and dance to the songs on the film and some can even recite lines and impersonate characters. I'd be very lucky if I can go for the same thing when I'm in Sydney. Sweet transvestite! Proud transsexual!
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