Make Yourself A Dang Quesadilla
Late to rise and to the city. There's a busker - Mary Paige - performing outside the Westin Hotel but first I go to Lord of the Fries. Everyone queues there at the shop on the corner of Elizabeth and Flinders so why not me? I go for a mini spicy burger with a box of Aussie chips and walk through the little alleys, filled with lunching office workers, towards the open square.
I set up my picnic - thongs off, big waterbottle, mobile. Fairly spartan but thoroughly enjoyable. She's midway through Across the Universe and when she's done no one claps save me. Soon we strike up an umbilical relationship - she plays and I appreciate.
She has to go in a while, but she grabs a gelato and accompanies me through the rest of my lunch. Melbourne is a city where 20-somethings have no home, no job, but lots of love in and for their lives. If only we could all have a semblance of that.

Next stop, Cole's, to shop for tonight's picnic, and then to Liberated. I'm cycling and it's so easy to in Melbourne, compared to the nightmare it is in Singapore. A bike and a helmet will bring you everywhere. ND at Moonlight Cinema with Marty so I dress up like a geek to suit the theme. There's cheese and crackers and nectarines and chai while laughing ourselves shitty in the middle of the freezing city. Dharma, where are you?