Road, River and Rail
The sun is shining on my backside before I decide to get up, not to mention the fact that the train manager says we're pulling into Goulburn in 10 minutes. Goulburn, which is me, ten minutes, which is breakfast, shower, take backpack from luggage carriage and say goodbye to Cathy. As the train deposits me on the platform of Goulburn Railway Station, I'm waving to the train manager while clutching my half-eaten croquet in my other hand, realising I dont know what to do or how to go to Canberra - can I from Goulburn at all? Answer is yes - next XPT Xplorer comes in a half-hour while the other one in six hours. I think, ah, okay, I'll walk around for a while in Goulburn and decide. The walk brings me for only five minutes and then I go back to the train station to get the earlier train's ticket because I want to get into Canberra badly. Nothing against Goulburn, they have an eight storey building in the form of a merrino sheep that I'm quite upset I didnt get to go to.
The train pulls into Canberra and I'm underwhelmed. The nation's capital is indeed the bush capital and everything is dry, devoid of life, looking like they dont even try for tourists. My overwhelming indifference made me decide to walk to a park near the city centre (wherever it is, whatever it is) instead of bussing. After a few wrong turns with two packs on in Canberran summer heat, im on the right way but pouring down and muttering under my breath. It takes a little singing and kefe to lighten my step and before long Lake Burley-Griffin is in sight. Walking along the lakeside, the mood gets better and I start to get into the "Shit, I'm in Canberra" mode.

As I'm waiting for Sarah to pick me up outside Old Parliament House, opposite the Tent Embassy, pudgy Guy Sebastian is shooting an ad for Australia Day 07
The green grass of Commonwealth Place, with its heart-fluttering flags of the world and view of the lake, seems to be a good place. A bit of reading, relaxing, resting and drinking takes place here before the sound of music drifting from behind becomes too much to resist and I up and go in the direction of the music. Lo and behold, the tent embassy, the reason why I came to Canberra, is there in all it's colourful glory. I walk in and Auntie Isabel takes me in with tremendous love. Such serendipity could not but make the whole day worth its weight in gold.
Sarah, Marty's Canberra friend, comes to pick me up in her Mini Cooper and I immediately know I'll love her so much! I'm in Canberra! Shit!
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