ten upon six

the mat hatters - fairuz and i
because - hey ho - time is never time at all
i flew across the sky last night
past exchange rates and most of the day, still nowhere. wanting to go out and run but you arent there. i'm playing the same game from a few years back, playing the fool again. tempting peril - so much to lose but so much more to gain. there isnt any point in playing it straight, because any verdant fringe borders but a barren spot. maybe this time it might work out but oh so frightening - hanging over the precipice, i see the rocks hurtling down the cliff and smash! to a spectacular end. wanting to go out and lose some things, because maybe the more i lose, the more i will be like you. teach me how to love like you; if i could only be sorry for loving you the wrong way i do
seperti bintang-bintang
i join the cue on your answer phone
hope dangles on a string/ like slow spinning redemption/ winding in and winding out/ the shine of which has caught my eye/ and roped me in/ so mesmerising, so hypnotising/ i am captivated.
what kind of hubris could it be, that renders you able to believe in yourself thus? your arrogant self-righteousness leaves me gasping for air. i would spit into your face but i do not because for a while there you had me. ah the true mark of a professional rapist: for a while the victim believes it is just retribution. you have me spread-eagled and you fuck me up and i want so much to watch you writhe in agony but no. because you believe you can get away with anything. and i let you. i couldnt do anything, because you'd always say it was all in jest, and impute me over-reacting. and there i lie spread-eagled and deflated just waiting for the next time you, anybody, comes around to fuck me up again. you do it the best though, you know what they say about people with big egos. why, you cunning prick.
behold this night, still and clear,
very aware of everything now, i am high on anti-crystal. i look down and down, fathoms, miles deep and i see no end to the depths to which i could fall. but whats tying me up here? i dont know. i should've known - a false slumber is only that, fitful and shallow. i already am waking up now and i can feel the void billowing under me. agh what it must feel like to fall again i dont want to know [again]. but it is all so present, the void lingering under me. and everyday i dip my toe into it, like a child would into water. no, not tonight, but soon. soon all this will be too repulsive and i will plunge into depths, head over heels and flailing arms.
never should, sorry that