Where's the Biatch?
The Zoo and the Night Safari! What more is there to be said! We pack our lunch and dinner and are on our jolly way!

This stupid bird caught a fish it couldnt eat.

Mmm. Polar bears.

Mmm. White tiger. Highlight together with the flying squirrel from the Night Safari.

Dan and I think the baboons are just hilarious.

We're outside the puma enclosure.

This warning is outside the puma enclosure.

This fat lard was sleeping.

As we're walking past thu puma, we cross paths with four dudes who were whistling "Maneater". We break up in laughter because that song had been stuck in our heads on Thursday. Later, these dudes help us take a picture at the giant tortoises.

There're simply too many otters!
"No archer fish! There's nothing here! Go home!" - Zoo dude whom we asked for directions to the archer fish. Ok, maybe we made the last two up.
"Again, we're in a zoo.'' Karyn to Daniel and I after we keep discussing which animal would taste better.

Karyn, Dan and I join in the free buffet at the Panasonic Asia-Pacific Family Day 2007. The magician was really bad.
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