
With a June Bug in our hands, KM8 to ourselves, I realise that over the past month in Singapore, I'd come pretty close to a routine.

Eric from ConFest comes by town on the way to Phnom Penh from Cochin. It's a pretty good idea to meet up again to spend the day together, so I pick him up at his hotel room, which is unfortunately Hotel 81 Princess. (Yea...) We cheat our way on buses to get to Vivocity, only because everyone has been talking about it, and we both went to get a bit of consumerism in. Dont know what the fuss is about really - it's just like every other mall we've never been to - so we just slide along, singing songs from Rocky Horror and talking about Jim Sharpman, his ex-flatmate's brother.

Im tempted to go look at the new Sentosa Express trains, and since it's so cheap, we've nothing else to do, and the musical fountain's closing, we decide to get in.

Now, the musical fountain's something really special. It's a horrendously tacky show that gets all the Indian and Chinese tourists ooh-ing and aah-ing in genuine glee. But for the very fact that I've been wanting to go since, I dont know, six, it was huge for me too. Plus it's free. Would've been better with a joint, we agree. Back at KM8, we realise the routine's been broken, so it's onwards, life.

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