anticipation and post-realisation

Mt. Ebenezer Roadhouse is a name I remember from surfing the TourismNT website back home. I'm having a shit, im here moment.

Sitting in the front of the Yulara fire truck as they bring me on a little joyride around town.

On a day that feels as if nothing could happen, on a coach, just sitting and drifting in and out of sleep. Dan is guiding the coach on the meandering road just as his voice on the microphone accompanies me as I meander through a shallow sleep. In the distance there is a shadow. Large, looming, like lions do as they wait to pounce on their prey. Only... it is a rock, and it is my prey, or is it? It draws me closer, I'm rapt as it takes a step, two steps, another step closer towards me. I did not understand. I had tried to find to prey on it, but now I am the hunted, as its power pulling me is stronger than anything I imagined.

Standing in the Walpa Gorge, Mt. Walpa and Mt. Olga start closing in on me, I am trapped, suffocated and choking. Someday, in a way i might understand only then, The Great Game will change. I could be the hunted or the hunter, the left or the leaving, and it wouldnt matter. Because you never know, you never control, so you let it be.

The tour bring us for the Uluru sunset viewing with half of the rest of Australia there too. They're serving us red, white and canapes too. The old fogeys on the tour cant stop taking pictures and for a while I'm ashamed to be seen there by the backpacker tour group behind. But hell, why be ashamed of a good deal? I'm living it up!

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