Thursday, March 01, 2007

Carry On!

It's been raining for the past 48 hours and time to meet "Ron" after so long. This time he's driving and just for the hell of it we go poofta hunting at Ortfay Oadray. Evidently he's been there for, say, physical purposes before, as he's being a very adequate tour guide. There's the carpark where richer ones flash their Beemer headlights at mansluts, theres the footpath where adventurers - like us, but of another kind - stroll along in the dark night, theres Atongkay Arkpay where the family men come down from their fully-paid condominiums for the history spots and boys, and there's the Under-overhead bridge where we get mistaken for a couple but nevermind. For those who think there's no alternative-subversive-underground fun to be had in Singapore, bring yourself to Ortfay Oadray tonight!

Disclaimer: "Paul" means no offence to pooftas by calling them pooftas. Why, he might even be one himself. "Paul's" visit to the aforementioned spots were in a purely investigative (of the journalism type) spirit, so dont be a dirty-minded knobhead. "Paul" does have platonic friendships with people like "Ron", so stop judging either of us.


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