side station
there've been times when i was physically drained, mentally exhausted, or emotionally suffocated. but never before has there been a time when the nine (eight) planets conspire to collide the three into one terrible, terrible amalgamation. the past week has been exactly like that - a mangled car crash along the PIE before corporation road exit towards changi.
i had always managed a high level of professionalism in my work and personal dealings back in station or even in cda. monday morning walking into station after the saturday night fiasco, however, i stood at the gate deliberately as i missed a call. because, shit, people can die, the whole jurong can sink into its own industrial muck, and i wouldnt give a cats ass.
one month left to ord, in what has been a most unXpected and tremendously inspiring ns term, and im in extended suspense instead of a denouement. in a while i'll have to start on the big thank-you emails and the biennial reflection. until then, im stuck with people to charge, stores to clear, and portfolios to hand over, no day, and no night, losing the plot. right about now, i'd like to see the end, hopefully with a nice song and dance finale.

Labels: emo stuff, firefighting
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