The argonauts said that it was the journey that mattered, not life. We, the argonauts of an ailing sensibility, say that it is not living that matters, but feeling.
The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa
Two funerals, the plodding completion of Pessoa's epic, and a new job seems to herald something, though i dont know what it is just yet. Wei Yang and I pay a visit to DHS@ Mt. Sinai and it's... complicated, for lack of words and an intellectual laziness. Chan Bee Bee passed away from cancer about a month ago - no chance to thank her for her immense help in math; she prolly doesnt know that her handwriting and math tips are still on my bedroom wall right now. Note: Googling her name, it's apparent the influence she's had on so many kids like me.
Maybe it's the miasma of April, or maybe it's global warming, but now seems to be the time to take things in perspective. Well at least as long as there's a school in this campus, we can be certain they're not gonna tear it down.

i take a deep breath and tell wei yang to take my picture

dhs paraphernalia crowd the concourse area. it's shocking, but gives way to high mirth in wei yang and i...

...this being one reason why. i mean, seriously, guys. plus her hair! and if you look closely into her picture, you can see the fat dhs mascots in the background. because dunmanians really think the ideal bmi is 250, which isnt difficult if you're playing the gu zheng all the time.

and heartbreak central. the squash courts are now... chinese and english drama rooms. how fucked is that? i mean... it's parquet flooring! learn to play squash you knobheads!

and of course, how could they ever understand the potential of lt 2.5?
man. you complain like a gay and pose like a gay. MARVELOUS
haha! well, i remember i wanted to do something with the pose in the picture! maybe i wasnt quite successful. in any case, go take a pill and fuck off!
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