Saturday, January 10, 2004

and so we go back to suspects that it can be put off for another week [or so].that's a lie, judging by the sowden's threat to expel me from econS.

orientation proper is over and if any selffar is reading this i'd like to scream "welcome to rj! have fun! take care! i love you!" at you. of course, jaxoras' for you anyways.

and than there's the speech i prepared for the oteam mental health day.we start off by chanting our slogan "screw you bitches! damn those selffars!" with much gusto and slamming of random objects to the ground.

hi everyone. i'm ivan and i'm a ja'dye.

hi ivan.[cue limp waves and knowing nods]

i joined oteam in october thinking orientation would be fun. but, oh god, i was mistaken. dont get me wrong --- oprep was a whole bunch of fun and whats wrong with a whole bunch of VERY enthusiastic people? but it'd somehow be better if oprep lasted forever, always preparing preparing preparing for the big day that'd never come. we'd make fantastic costumes and storyline wouldnt have any loopholes. decor could even make castles and onite could have giant fireballs. but no. the big day came, deflated, and went. day one, the selffars were insipid and languid. day two they still werent talking to each other. day three and they became smart-assed shits. by day four storyline became a nightmare. day 5, and selffars started calling me garb. day 6 and they were insolent. no seriously, having a whole batch of j1's calling you gay must be doing some kind of damage to me. storyline ended on day 4 and it should've been it. garb should have lived in hermitage since day 4. he shouldnt have appeared 2000 years later, neither should he in raffles.

disclaimer: the above could but most probably doesnt represent the view of the 22nd oteam. and of course, there were exceptions to the rule. not all selffars should die. the nice ones probably know who they are


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